Sunday, June 2, 2013

Planning a wedding has proven to be slightly more complicated than one of our Thanksgiving gatherings. This is like a soft version of a serious campaign. Ever since announcing the date at around the time of the failed Mayan doomsday, there has been this crazed outpouring of support from all corners.

The first milestone was getting the date (Sunday, Aug 4) to hold the wedding at Cafe Mundo.

Thru the fog and the murk of ages, Mundo has served as the throbbing community heart of the alt crowd, (as opposed to the bucktoothed bowlegged crowd of Newport) in Nye Beach. It has been a hub of too many happenings to catalog in my time in Newport.

This is also where I met Terry almost three years ago, during a classic Mundo combo of community theater in the round followed by open mic. That night i did my usual SPUII (Spoken Word Under the Influence), of a piece i was writing while carrying on a conversation with this intriguing gal. Terry, likewise interested, tells me this sealed the deal.

So really folks, where else could we hold this gathering?

Yep, Mundo has an eclectic legacy and an impressively talented core of supporters, offering up music, dance, performance, gathering space and creative commons.

Over the years of back and forth between Portland and Newport, Terry has been delighted that the Nye beach community has embraced her as well.

For my part, I have always had a Portland predisposition, that i carried with by moving to Newport. It is cool that I have a second home in the Rose City (for the first time since 1994.)

At the beach, the tide flushes in and out. Logs roll, ships go down, and seabirds careen. Climbing the lighthouse to send shadow plays over the dark waters, the word went out, and the response has been great.

Flowers? Melinda of the venerable "beav-siege" sauna is growing them special. Fish? Local tuna has been promised at wholesale, Rachel has offered to kick in for a food donation.

An officiator? After some surreal rounds on searching for a fisher poet sea captain to preside, we have landed on a white-water captain Ralph, our favorite jack-mormon with a Church of Universal Life (box top authorized) accreditation. Heck, any fisherman worth his salt will be offshore that day anyway, but at least Ralph has already RSVP'd.

There are a few other surprises in hand, and i don't want to be a spoiler, so I'll spare your more previews of coming attractions.

Potluck Considerations
We realize the difficulty for some of the attendees who are traveling and don't have access to a kitchen or refrigeration, so we are asking locals to triple their recipes. We will come up with a plan to coordinate the potluck. Honestly. Stay tuna for more details.

Planning this has been a bit of a welcome respite to dwelling on the screaming madness of our times. What does us better as a community, than to come together to celebrate? Shit dang, its always worked for me. So much planning has been plowed into this day, that it seems bizarre that friends and family will pop up simultaneously, and then--boop--dissipate back to their various lives. Hosting hosting genes ourselves, we are delighted that so many of you are going to be attending, but can already see we won't have time to hang with so many of you.


  1. Dug and Frog and Sprig and Autumn have rented a place with a kitchen just blocks from Mundo.

    So two things,

    ONE-let us know if two other friends need a place to stay, there is one more queen bed. Contact Frog at, I am slow to reply but will get back to you.

    TWO-we have a kitchen available for prep, heating things, cooking whatever. Dug and I will be there @ 4pm Saturday afternoon.

  2. Thanks FroggyFrog! Hopefully folks will see this commnent but we will also tell others about the extra room.
